Welcome to Primal Minds' Guidebook! This guidebook is one of the most important things that you will read on this entire site. It will give you the low-down of how we run things here, and it should help simplify everything for you! If you look to the left of this little box of information, you will find the links with all of our site information! If you click those links, it will bring you to the information of your desire!

I will be staying here the whole time, so if you need to take another look (or just want to) feel free to!

We would like to note that you DO NOT need to read all of the information! The links under the name "Needed" are what are most important when looking throughout the site! That area will have all the information that you require to register your character! Once you click that link, below this box all of the information will appear!

Once you complete your reading and you still have questions, please look to our FAQ or PM a staff member with your questions!!!

Happy reading!


Stats are an important part of Primal Minds. Each specific stat determines how well your character will do in certain things like fighting. Below you can find a layout of stats and what they each do for your character.

Agility Intelligence Stealth
Agility is the ability to move quickly and easily. For a wolf that focuses' primarily on hunting, this is their best friend. You can typically find smaller wolves and ones that hunt more than others have more stats in this field. Intelligence is not only how smart you are, but how well you're able to perceive things. Wolves with intelligence can more easily read other wolves. These wolves are typically ones that are higher in magic or Aibirn. Stealth is the ability to be able to not be seen. These are typically darker colored wolves (though bright ones are not uncommon) and small. They are the thieves and sneak around. They can also throw off people who are trying to track them.
You can earn agility stats by participating in hunts. Each successful hunt that you complete, you earn one (1) point. Every hunt you fail, you earn no points (0). You can earn intelligence stats by participating in puzzles. Each puzzle that you successfully complete, you earn one (1) point. Every puzzle you fail, you earn no points (0). You can earn stealth stats by participating in information missions. Each mission that you successfully complete, you earn one (1) point. Every puzzle you fail, you earn no points (0).
Magic Strength Endurance
Magic is how well you can control your magic. Wolves with more magic in their stats are considered sorcerers as their main priority is to enhance their magic and become the best that they can. Strength is how strong you are in both mind and health. Wolves with more strength are more sound in their mind as well as strong. They are typically warriors but can be other things.[/td] Endurance is the ability to push yourself past your limits. They're like the track stars of Oetch. They can withstand more and still be able to push forward.
You can earn magic stats by participating in events that require you to use your magic. You can also earn points by every thread you successfully complete that has one practice of a power in it. You earn one (1) point per successful practice and event. Every practice and event you fail, you earn no points (0). You can earn strength stats by participating in fights. Each fight that you successfully complete, you earn one (1) point. Every fight you fail, you earn no points (0). You can earn endurance stats by participating in races or chases. Every race or chase you successfully complete (meaning you win or catch whatever you're chasing) you earn one (1) point. Every race and/or case that you fail, you earn no points (0).

But how do you know how many you get?

When starting out, all characters have thirty-five (35) stats that they can place anywhere. That means you can put all 35 in agility, or distribute them all evenly throughout the six (6) areas. There is no cap on how many you can put in each at first. You have thirty-five (35), then you must roleplay for the rest of them unless said otherwise by staff members.

When pups are born on site or brought, they automatically get to start with fifteen (15) stats that they can place anywhere. Each time they age (by .50) they earn another five (5) stats of their choice. This means, by the time they are 2 years of age, they should have 35 stats. This is the same as bringing on an adult character to the site. If you bring a child character to the site, it should also start with fifteen (15) stats. If the character you bring is younger than 2 years but 1 year or older, they start with twenty (20) stats.

The above boxes will tell you how you earn each of your stats. Once you hit one hundred (100) stats in each field, staff will give you an additional fifty (50) in each field, so as to keep things interesting. They also describe what each stat is and what they do for your character. Stats are a major role in roleplaying, so if you have ANY questions, feel free to PM @admin or @asahi

Events and Stats

Events are a major part of Primal Minds, giving the site more diversity when it comes to roleplaying. You can earn stats in just about any event as a prize. For example, if you participate in an event that requires a lot of fighting, one of your prizes could be five (5) fighting stats. Or if you're in an event that requires a lot of magic, you could get five (5) magic stats. Staff must specifically say that this is a prize at the end of the event, and you may not claim it otherwise.

Fighting and Stats

When fighting, stats are a major role. If you have more stats in strength than your opponent, then you get a boost in points. For each stat that you have more than your opponent, you earn one (1) additional point. That means, if you have more stats in all six (6) categories, then you get six (6) additional points added to your score.

If you use a word using what your best stat is (the one with the most points), then you get an additional two (2) points added. For example, Grilla's stat that has the most points in it is agility. In order for her RPer to get the two (2) additional points, they would need to write the line as such:

    When Grilla saw Bob lunge at her, she attempted to use her agility to her advantage and tried to move out of the way.

For each stat you want to use, you would need to write the sentence or paragraph accordingly and bold and underline the name of the stat.

What about leveling? Of course, leveling has a huge impact on stats. Each time you gain a level, you gain 25 additional stats. So if you level from level 1 to level 2, you would be able to distribute the 25 stats that you received from that level to any stats area that you wish.