Welcome to Primal Minds' Guidebook! This guidebook is one of the most important things that you will read on this entire site. It will give you the low-down of how we run things here, and it should help simplify everything for you! If you look to the left of this little box of information, you will find the links with all of our site information! If you click those links, it will bring you to the information of your desire!

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Happy reading!


Major Gods

Kölaa [kohl-ay], Keeper of the Sun

Originally in the form of drifting clouds, Kölaa is the God of light, more specifically the Sun. Kölaa is believed to have shape shifting powers and at the moment has taken the form of a pure white wolf with bright amber eyes. Kölaa represents everything good and is usually said to be the one behind all the good things that come across the lands of Oetch. Though sometimes his name has been tarnished. Wolves born with light colored eyes are usually put at a higher standard than those who aren't.

Hati [hah-ti], Keeper of the Moon

Hati is the older brother of Kölaa and also the more evil one of the two. He is said to be a shadow, trailing behind animals so he can hide from his brother during the day. However, once the sun goes down, Hati changes his form to a solid black wolf with piercing blue eyes, though one of them has a cataract. The blindness in his right eye does nothing to halt his actions though. In fact, his blind eye is believed to be able to see the death of any animal it looks at. It's said that any wolf born with a blind eye is believed to be a reincarnation of the evil God himself.

Minor Gods

Drotus [dr-oh-tuhs], God of War

Drotus is the guardian of Kölaa and is one of the God's closest friends. Drotus is in the form of a brawny golden tiger, a symbol of strength and loyalty. He acts as a threat, "leave now or face the wrath of Drotus", using his war name rather than his birth name.

Delphis [D-elf-ie], Mother of All

Delph is the first female God. This large black bear is believed to be the mother of the first prophet Maelsa, and is occasionally referred to as the Mother. She acts as a spiritual guide, as well as a nurturing parent, to any wolf who is near death. She leads said wolf to their final resting place and stays with them until they pass.

Rasna [Rah-s-nah-], God of Wisdom and Strategy

Definitely the smallest minor God on the list, Rasna is more or less the God of Wisdom and Strategy. His name is heard when preparing for a hunt or battle, praying that his mind is with them while they're out. He is said to be hidden in the branches of trees or beneath the leaves, watching over wolves who enter the forest, though most of the time he's believed to be incredibly selfish and rude to whomever crosses his path.

Tisv [Tiv], Goddess of the Hunt

Tisv is a predator, of course, but she acts as the small push herds of prey need to migrate throughout the year. She is said to cause stampedes and food shortages, these shortages the cause of her not being able to run back fast enough to continue to cycle of one herd leaving the land and another one entering. She is believed to be the reason why herds are skittish and easily spooked, as they are scared of the quick bobcat coming back.

Akahstre [Ah-cast-er], Spirit of the Earth

He is the prince of the forest. In the shape of a large bull elk, Akahstre walks the land with pride in every step he takes. Being such a very proud animal, Akahstre is also seen as self-centered like his companion Arter but the two are inseparable. Akahstre is held on such a pedestal that even the biggest and baddest of predators show their necks to him, yes he's that big of a deal.


Prenn and Maelsa are the two known prophets of Oetch. They live in separate territories but sometimes come together to discuss what the Gods have planned for them and the other animals living in Oetch. Every few months, a mental message, a dream, is sent to both of them to signal when to have meetings with the Tribes throughout the land. It is important to note that these two are the only known prophets, as there still are more to be found.

Language and Phrases

The language of Primal Minds consists of a mixture of Norse, Greek, and Italian. It is purely unique to the world of Otech. Each wolf is born and raised in knowing this language, as it is the common tongue (however for RP purposes, they speak english). If you wish to have a post with your character using this language, but it is not included here, please contact a staff member and they will translate the language for you. If you want to add more to the phrases below, please contact a staff and they will add it to this list.

Kaie [K-eye]
The equivalent to "shut up!" or "be quiet!" This is mostly used with the pups, or with any wolf that just wont stop talking.

Quel Notto [kell note-oh]
Meaning, "calm child" or just "calm down" in general, this phrase is used mostly by an authoritative figure (Tribal leader, mothers, etc.)

Nit [N-it]
A curse word, not the worst but definitely not one to be used around elders.. Or any adult.

Diecas [Dye-kus]
Used as a degenerative word, like "stupid" or "idiot".

Blach [blah-sh]
"quickly!" or "hurry up!" It is also used combined with 'notto' to make younger wolves move faster.

Allae Doh [alah doh]
Used to clear an area and/or ask any wolf to stand down, equal to "disperse" or "move out".

Cusc [koo-sk]
A warm greeting like "Hello" and "Good morning". The opposite of this would be Nosk [nah-sk], which is seen as a disrespectful word which also means "Hello" but it used in a more sarcastic or angry tone.

tch [tich]
A small noise, like a scoff or groan.

Hati [hah-ti]
Like Diecas, Hati is also used as a degenerative name. However, calling someone Hati is seen as a challenge. Simply speaking the word from your mouth can get you into trouble with anyone.

Lirs (ler-sch)
Any cranial appendage, or any appendage that stems vertically from the head.